Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I want to speak of the term islamophobia and how it is being used synonymous with racism. First, islam is not a race. Racism is the hatred of other races. Second, a phobia is a fear of something. Islamophobia would be the fear of muslims. Now there is no reason to not be affraid of muslims. They are very violent, backwards, think that they are superior and that islam should be dominant throughout the world. Now why would we not be afraid of them? We hear muslims crying islamophobia when they are the ones that are causing us to not trust or like them. The real problem with islam is that it is not able to look at itself critically because its founder, Old Mo, made it illegal in islam to criticize it. If muslims want to live in a land with only islam, why can't they just live in a muslim land? No instead they use the term islamophobia. The term has one purpose, to suppress the criticism legitimate or not of islam. And as far as I am concerned it deserves alot of criticism. There are alot things in that so-called religion that need to be updated.

NYPD beefs up security for Ramadan

This is just too good. With all the violence that muslims commit during ramadan all over the world, the NYPD are protecting mosques during ramadan? Give me a break.

Read it all at Jihadwatch.


Cartoon Rage

One of the dumbest things that has happened in the world is the muslim outrage over cartoons similar the this one. The poor muslim's feelings were hurt by seeing the west satirizing the prophet of islam.

Muslim In NY

It is hard to believe, but this kind of crap is happening on the streets of NY. How can this not be labeled as hate speech? I wonder what would happen if any other group of people were out there protesting the muslim invasion of our country? CAIR would be all over the news and in the courts crying hate speech and "islamophobia." CNN would have them out there crying. There would be investigations by the FBI.

New Terrorist Group in Gaza

They call themselves Jaysh Al Ummah, the army of the nation, modeled on Al Qaeda. They are training for battle with Israel. They say "We are coming, Jews." They won't say how many members it has in Gaza. Hamas is allowing it to operate. Thirty five year old Abu Hafss states that they are not part of Al Qaeda but that they share the same religion with our brothers and follow the path or our dear prophet, old mo. As part of their philosophy Hafss says "muslims all over the world are obliged to fight the Israelis and the infidels until only islam rules the earth." Now for all of you that still say that muslims do not want to take over the earth, here it is in their own words. They are funded by donations from the residents of Gaza. Anyone still want to call it collective punishment? They voted them in to begin with, and now they are supporting terrorists because they all believe that they should kill all the Jews. They are told this from birth. "The sons of Zion are occupiers and they must be uprooted completely. We will fight them as we are ordered by god and the prophet mohammed." Hamas's charter calls for the destruction of Israel, "We say that the world not live in peace as lomng as the blood of muslims contunues to be shed," Hafss said.