Friday, March 13, 2009

Hezbollah chief rejects U.S. condition to acknowledge state of Israel

BEIRUT, March 13 (Xinhua) -- Hezbollah chief Hasan Nasrallah on Friday rejected the U.S. condition to start talks with Hezbollah if it acknowledges the state of Israel, the party's TV station Al-Manar reported.

"The U.S. condition of acknowledging Israel to open dialogue with us is rejected," Nasrallah told crowds of Shiite Moslems gathered in the southern suburbs of Beirut this evening to mark the birthday of Prophet Mohammed.

"As long as Hezbollah exists, the generations of our people could never acknowledge the state of Israel which is a hostile terrorist entity," Nasrallah vowed.

He said that the U.S. set two conditions to start talks with Hezbollah, "acknowledging Israel and abandoning violence," and what they meant by abandoning violence is giving up the resistance.

"The resistance is our dignity, our honor and our existence," he stressed.

He added that the U.S. wants to start talks because all its plans in the region have failed, "they could not submit Syria despite the siege they imposed, and Iran grew stronger," he said.

The U.S. does not want to start dialogue "for moral reasons," but because its main objective is the acknowledgment of the state of Israel.

Nasrallah said "if we believe that we are strong, and we put our hands together, we can defeat this (Israeli) entity and eliminate it from existing."

He added that if the U.S. is backing Israel, "God is backing us, and was backing us during the July war and Gaza war."

The Lebanese Shiite armed group Hezbollah fought a devastating 34-day war with Israel in July 2006, and vowed to keep its arms to resist Israel as long as the latter poses a threat in the region.

I am surprised that the muslim loving Obama administration is saying this. His lying of course. Obama is a narcisist of the highest magnatude. He will say anything to make himself look good. I do not trust the nigger one bit.

Court Expected to Nix Law that Keeps Arabs from Flooding Israel

Two organizations in Israel are working hand in hand trying to strike down a law that will eventually end the Jewish majority in Israel. If the law is struck down Israel will become flooded by its enemies who will now have an opening to obtain citizenship. The oraganizations involved are The Legal Center for Arab Minority Rights in Israel which sounds like their equivalent to CAIR and The Association for Civil Rights in Israel The Association for Civil Rights in Israel which is like our ACLU. Will those on the left ever understand that some cultures/religions just cannot coexist with others?

The law was passed in order to stem the flood of “Palestinian” Arabs who entered Israel from Judea, Samaria, Gaza and from enemy Arab countries and received Israeli citizenship by marrying Arabs who already possessed Israeli citizenship.

The High Court has heard the appeal against the law in the past and struck it down by a one-vote margin. On Sunday, however, the High Court will convene in a seven-member panel headed by Supreme Court President Dorit Beinisch to hear the petition again, and this time it is expected to rule in favor of striking down the law.

According to grassroots Zionist activism group Im Tirtzu, “between 1993 and 2003, 130,000 Palestinians who had lived in enemy Arab countries and in Judea and Samaria received Israeli citizenship through marriage with Israeli Arabs. By making use of the Israeli law which had allowed the granting of citizenship to Arabs who marry Israeli citizens, the Palestinians succeeded in meaningfully changing the demographic balance within Israel and to begin implementing their demand for the return of refugees into Israel.

”The Knesset law that prevents this was passed as a temporary order in 2003 and is extended annually by the Knesset. It prevents Arabs from Judea, Samaria and Gaza, as well as citizens of Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Iran, from receiving Israeli citizenship by marrying Israeli citizens.

According to demographic expert Arnon Sofer, if the court annuls the law, hundreds of thousands of Arabs within the Middle East will marry family members in Israel and gradually erase the Jewish majority in Israel.

This is what happens when the left takes over a country. They are going to overturn the only laws that keep the Jews in the majority. The barbaric muslims marry within their families and have children like rabbits. They will very soon out number the Jews. Farwell Israel. It is happening here in the US as well. Obama has taken this country to a very far left direction. We are going to be socialist at best and communist at worst. I for one will not be taking this lying down. I will be fighting.

Cumberland County Jail Changing Rules for Muslims

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) — Maine's courts and the Cumberland County Jail are modifying their rules regarding head coverings in order to accommodate the practices of Muslims and people of other faiths.

Under the new policy, defendants, inmates and visitors will no longer be required to remove scarves or other head coverings that are required by religious custom.

That obligation has come into conflict with security concerns and cultural standards that prevail in many of the nation's courts and prisons.

With the growth of the nation's Muslim communities, pressure to allow head coverings has increased. Some other states and the federal justice system have already modified their rules.

Hats have historically been forbidden inside the Cumberland County Jail, where inmates are issued pants and shirts of yellow, orange or blue depending on the security risk they present. To address concerns about security, the jail has contracted with a vendor to provide head coverings that meet jail security standards, Sheriff Mark Dion said.

Why are we even worrried about these people? They are in jail. They have no rights. I will bet they already serve halal food to the prisoners. I just don't get it. Why are we worried about this one group of people so much?

Mideast: Rights activists face torture and repression, says Amnesty

London, 11 March (AKI) - Human rights activists in the Middle East and North Africa still face the prospect of persecution, torture and repression for defending others, according to a new report by Amnesty International released on Wednesday. The report entitled 'Challenging Repression' looked at 20 countries on the region and said Iran, Syria and Egypt were among those that adopted a harsh response to human rights. "

Governments should be heralding the crucial role of human rights defenders in promoting and defending universal rights," said Malcolm Smart, director of the Middle East and North Africa.

"Instead, too often, they brand them as subversives or trouble-makers and use oppressive means to impede their activities. People are languishing in jails across the region simply for peacefully exercising their right to expression, association or assembly."

Amnesty said unfair trials that hand down severe punishments are carried out by courts in Syria and Egypt, which cite decades-long states of emergency, while online bloggers and Egyptian Coptic Christians are also subjected to harassment.

The report said any peaceful acts or expression deemed critical of Syrian authorities can be suppressed under a decree that penalises opposition to the socialist system or state.

"These offences can be punished by sentences ranging from imprisonment with hard labour to death," said Amnesty.

In Iran vague offences such as "insult", "slander", "dissemination of false information", and "anti-state propaganda" are routinely used to silence human rights activists, the report said.

Amnesty also said Jewish, Christian, Zoroastrian and Bahai communities suffered discrimination "in law and practice"."A climate of fear and repression prevails in Iran," said the report.

The scary part it that the muslims have a human rights council in the UN. They are trying to stop people from discussing anything about islam and its hatred. And to be totally honest about this subject of the activists being tortured and repressed, I dont feel bad for any of them. If they are from another country, what the hell are you doing there? If you were born there, get out.

I want to see flag of Allah flying over Downing St

A Muslim fundamentalist leader today told of his vision of Britain under Sharia law.
Anjem Choudary said he wanted the “flag of Allah” flying over Downing Street, all women wearing burkas and caning for drunkenness.

He is the leader of Ahlus Sunnah wal Jamaah, founded as a successor to the banned fundamentalist sect al-Muhajiroun, which was led by now-exiled preacher Omar Bakri Muhammad.

The self-proclaimed Sharia judge admitted his followers had organised protests against British soldiers in Luton this week, waving placards which called them “murderers” for their conduct in Iraq.

Mr Choudary, a 41-year-old lawyer, said he was proud to be reviled. “It's inevitable that when you offer an alternative morality and way of life many people will hate you for it.”

He said this “alternative morality” would mean “a pure Islamic state with Sharia law in Britain” and added: “Every woman, whether Muslim or non-Muslim, would have to wear a traditional burka and cover everything apart from her face and hands in public.”

“In matters to do with the judicial system and the penal code, one male witness is sufficient to counter the testimony of two females. People who commit adultery would be stoned to death.”

Mr Choudary, a father of three, admitted he lived off benefits despite objecting to the British state. He rejected suggestions of hypocrisy, saying: “I don't think it's of any importance.”

Hey UK dhimmi's, how does it feel to willingly pay the jizya in total submission to your muslim masters? You need to pay attention to what they are saying. They are telling you exactly what they have planned for you and you ignore it.

Obama nominates jihadist's lawyer to be an assistant attorney general

And the new-Duranty dhimmis in the mainstream media, of course, never noticed.
On March 9, the U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee held a hearing on one of Barack Obama's latest nominees. This time it was to assess the suitability of Tony West, Obama's nominee for the assistant attorney general in charge of the U.S. Justice Department's Civil Division. Things went "smoothly" according to the San Jose Mercury News, also publishing a nice bio of West. The Washington Post merely mentioned the hearing was "notable." Similarly the East Bay Express simply makes mention of the hearing having occurred. Apparently there was nothing of interest in West’s nomination.

Curiously enough, though, not one of these brief reports mention that Tony West was "American Taliban" terrorist John Walker Lindh's defense lawyer. Another key bit of info left out of these announcements was that Tony West raised $65 million for Obama's presidential campaign.
Money well spent if it gets a cushy government job.

In fact, for many of us, it took James Lileks to remind us all that West was Lindh's lawyer (H/T It took Lileks because none of the media bothered to make the connection.

As Lileks says, West was a pretty good lawyer. Did well for his client. Made the case as a good defense lawyer should that his client is innocent and, in this case, not a terrorist. Maybe West is a perfectly competent lawyer?

But here is the main point. This appointment of a terrorist's defense lawyer to the Department of Justice announces that Barack Obama is in favor of a more lenient stance on terrorists. As Lileks says, it is evidence of a going back to 9/10 thinking. Also, since the Old Media have not made a single peep about this, it announces to the world that neither the crimes of 9/11 nor terrorism are any longer of interest to those that make the news. Says Lileks, "It just seems like one of those things that might have stuck out, once upon a time."...
Obama is a muslim or at least a muslim sympathizer. Many in his family are muslims, his father was, his step father was, his bother probably is, etc. These are the people that have declared war on the US. Why would Obama choose this guy?