Saturday, September 13, 2008


The answer is absolutely NO. And here is why.

Theologically - no. . . . Because his allegiance is to Allah, The moon God of Arabia

Religiously - no. . . Because no other religion is accepted by His Allah except Islam (Quran, 2:256)(Koran)

Scripturally - no. . . Because his allegiance is to the five Pillars of Islam and the Quran.

Geographically - no . Because his allegiance is to Mecca , to which he turns in prayer five times a day.

Socially - no. . . Because his allegiance to Islam > forbids him to make friends with Christians or Jews .

Politically - no. . . Because he must submit to the mullahs (spiritual leaders), who teach annihilation of Israel and destruction of America , the great Satan.

Domestically - no. . Because he is instructed to marry four Women and beat and scourge his wife when she disobeys him (Quran 4:34)

Intellectually - no. . Because he cannot accept the American Constitution since it is based on Biblical principles and he believes the Bible to be corrupt.

Philosophically - no. . . Because Islam, Muhammad, and the Quran does not allow freedom of religion and expression. Democracy and Islam cannot co-exist. Every Muslim government is either dictatorial or autocratic.

Spiritually - no. . . Because when we declare 'one nation under God,' the Christian's God is loving and kind, while Allah is NEVER referred to as Heavenly father, nor is he ever called love in The Quran's 99 excellent names.

Therefore, after much study and deliberation.... Perhaps we should be very suspicious of ALL MUSLIMS in this country. They obviously cannot be both 'good' Muslims and good Americans.

Death for Apostates in Iran

Good news from Iran. The parliament voted in favor of a bill that would make apostasy a capital crime. This is right from the terrorist training manual, the koran. Old Mo said "whoever leaves islam, kill him." The bill passed with 196 votes in favor, 7 against and 2 abstentions. This is what happens when muslims run a country with the koran as the constitution and sharia the law of the land. Coming soon to a country near you?

Man Cuts Off Wife's Foot for "Cheating On Him"

You see she was visiting the neighbors when he was not around therefore she must be cheating on him. He told her over and over again not to go over there. In the muslim world where men and women are strangers for the most part, it is assumed that sex must be going on when the woman stands up to her husband. He cut her foot off when she returned home from work. Doctors have re-attached the foot and she is recovering. Can you imagine a person holding down his wife and sawing off her foot. That had to take some time. It is not like cutting off a finger. She is lucky to not have bled to death.

Muslims Upset Over New Movie About Jihad

The movie is called "Obsession: Radical Islam's War Againt the West." It shows muslim children being groomed to hate the West and wage jihad among other things that go in the world of the crazies. The DVD can be purchased for $14.95 or watch it as pay per view online for only $4.95.

Check out clips and the trailer.