Monday, November 3, 2008

“I am so disappointed to see the courtroom is filled with supporters of the terrorists’ rights, but no one is here to support the victims”

Gary Swenchonis Sr. is the father of Gary Swenchonis, Jr. who was one of 17 sailors murdered in the terror attack on the USS Cole in 2000. Swenchonis Sr. is at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, attending the trial of Ali Hamza Bahlul. The al-Qaeda operative was convicted today on multiple counts on charges of conspiracy, solicitation to commit murder and providing material to support terrorism.
In a statement, Gary said, “I am so disappointed to see the courtroom is filled with supporters of the terrorists’ rights, but no one is here to support the victims ”
“Representatives from Amnesty International and several other human rights groups are here attending the trial in a show of solidarity with Bahlul. But the dead sailors have no one on their side besides the prosecution. These are American sailors who died in a sneak terror attack, and they have no one here demanding justice. Its just not right.”
Bahlul is the self proclaimed media chief of al-Qaeda and made a powerful recruiting video featuring the bombing of the USS Cole. Bahlul also scripted the video wills of two 9/11 highjackers before they lauched their mass murder plot. Prior to sentencing Gary gave a victims impact statement on the loss of his son in the bombing.
Gary is a vocal advocate of re-opening the USS Cole investigation and believes the Yemeni government’s level of complicity in the attack was never fully explored.

1 comment:

Bobster67 said...

Thank-you for your posting on the trial of the propaganda terrorist.
We have been informed that a Judicary hearing is to be held this comming year. I will believe it when I see it. The evidence that Salehs regime was and is complicit in the attack is overwhelming. Our fear is that the new president will cancel the hearings. Its taken 8 long years of fighting two administration to get this far. The Cole attack and subsequent response by two presidents would rather be forgotten. So we know that we will now be fighting yet another administration, while President Saleh of Yemen will still be getting American money, while he supports Al-Qaeda. Thats what we want tp stop.
Thank-you Again
Gary G. Swenchonis, Sr
Father of Murdered Sailor
Gary G. Swenchonis, Jr. USS Cole Attack