Sunday, January 11, 2009

Muslim Krystallnacht Chicago 2008: Reader David's Synagogue (and 4 Others!) Attacked (Obviously by Muslims)

"Religion of Peace" Vandalizes Lincolnwood Synagogue Near Chicago
With "Death to Israel; Free Palestine" Graffiti, Broken Windows

From Debbie Schlussel.

I've repeatedly warned about this. It's not just the Muslims overseas. It's the Muslims in America. They are no different, no less extreme, no more "moderate" than Muslims anywhere else.

Recently, I told you about a Molotov cocktail thrown at a Chicago synagogue and destruction at a Lubavitch synagogue in North Carolina. Now, reader David writes about how, Saturday--the Jewish Sabbath (also called "Shabbos" or "Shabbat"), he walked to synagogue on the way to a special celebration he and his family planned. But they arrived to yellow tape around their vandalized synagogue, complete with anti-Semitic slogans:


I don't know what happen in other cities, but let me tell you what happened in Chicago early this Shabbos morning.

My father in law passed away a little over a year ago. His name was Morton Pliskin and he was the Chazan [DS: cantor] of a Traditional Synagogue named Lincolnwood Jewish Congregation in Lincolnwood Illinois (a suburb of Chicago, near Skokie).

To commemerate the long years of service my father in had to the synagogue, my family dedicated the chair he used to sit in and sponsored the kiddush [DS: a Jewish reception blessing wine (and usually featuring food)].

When we walked to synagogue this morning, we saw yellow crime scene tape around the front steps. On the wall near the door was painted "Death to Israel long live Palestine". Also, the glass on the front doors was taped. It seems that bricks were used to smash the windows. We are not certain, but we believe an there were plans to enter the synagogue and to destroy everything inside.

There is a couple that lives in the synagogue. In return for a free place to live (I am sure they receive a salary and other expenses but I don't know the entire agreement), they serve as caretakers for the building and help set up for special events. The husband is also kind enough that whenever it snows he takes care of making sure my Mother-in-Law's sidewalks and driveway are clean.
The wife heard a noise and woke up. She saw the two perpetrators. They immediately ran away. Unfortunately she cannot identify them because these "heroes of Islam" were wearing ski masks.

The police told us other (I believe 4 but I do not remember) Synagogues in Chicago were also hit.

Something struck me in synagogue today when I was thinking about what happened. Something that myself and I am sure everyone else takes for granted. I was wondering how many mosques in Chicago (or anywhere else) were hit last night.

Sincerely,David Makowsky

I personally believe that we need to show the "religion of peace" what is means to be victims. These people are acting with impunity. You know that PC Chicago will never find the muslims that did this.

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