Thursday, March 26, 2009

Pakistan: "Schools" preparing boys for jihad, via "martial arts, archery and horse-riding skills"

Raising "questions about the Government's pledge to crack down on terror groups accused of high-profile attacks in Pakistan and India, and ties to global terror plots."

BAHWALPUR - The compound bore no sign.

Residents referred to it simply as the school for "jihadi fighters", speaking in awe of the expensive horses stabled within its high walls - and the extremists who rode them bareback in the dusty fields around it.

What kind of "extremists"? Are they involved in extreme sports? Are they a metal band? The following context clarifies:

In classrooms nearby, teachers drilled boys as young as 8 in an uncompromising brand of Islam that called for holy war against enemies of the faith.

Ok, now Islam -- albeit an "uncompromising brand" -- and "holy war" have made their appearance, confirming that this report is not talking about extreme bungee-jumping.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the Dar-ul-uloom ["house of knowledge/science"] Madina school, they rocked back and forth as they recited sections of the Koran, Islam's holy book.

Ah, the Koran: now it all makes sense!

Both facilities are run by an al Qaeda-linked terror network, Jaish-e-Mohammed, in the heart of Pakistan, hundreds of kilometres from the Afghan border that is the global focus of the fight against terrorism. Their existence raises questions about the Government's pledge to crack down on terror groups accused of high-profile attacks in Pakistan and India, and ties to global terror plots.

Authorities say militant groups in Punjab are increasingly sending out fighters to Afghanistan and the border region.

The horse-riding facility, discovered by AP during a visit to this impoverished region where kilometres of dusty, wind-swept desert spread out in all directions, had never before been seen by journalists.

There, would-be jihadi fighters practise martial arts, archery and horse-riding skills and get religious instruction, according to a former member of Jaish-e-Mohammed, who spoke on condition of anonymity...

We know where these people are being trained and we do not blow it up?

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