Being Muslim is not merrily confined to the affirmation of faith in Allah, His books, His Messengers and the Day of Judgment. Being a Muslim is not confined to the duties of performing the prayers, observing the fasts, embarking on the pilgrimage, or paying the alms. Nor does it fulfill the concept of being fully Muslim, by observing the injunctions of Islam relating to marriage, divorce and inheritance. Every Muslim anywhere in the world should have one common goal, to this day the goal of the Ummah remains suppressed.
It is the concept of Jihad, the struggle and striving for Allah that Islam alone emphasis encompassing all the above that makes you a real Muslim. Jihad against prejudice and pro- political Jihad in today's battlefield where the sword is buried and the power of word is carried.
Indeed Islam states through hadith that the best type of Jihad is to speak the truth against an authoritarian ruler "The best (Jihad) is (to speak) a word of justice to an oppressive ruler." - Sunan of Abu-Dawood. Muhammed (saw) also said “When people see an oppressor but do not prevent him from doing evil it is likely that Allah will punish them all" Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi.
‘Shall I tell you who is the best of men and who is the worst? Among the best of men is he who is active in Allah's way on the back of his horse or camel, or on foot, until death comes to him. And among the worst of men is he who reads the Book of Allah Almighty, and remains unenlightened’ Transmitted by An-Nisaa’
11 years ago
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